The Last Dance of Political Mediocrity: A Tale of Carbon and Complacency
In the frozen wastelands of the North, where men huddle beneath the weight of their self-imposed chains, a great unraveling unfolds. The Liberal party, that bastion of middling aspirations, now witnesses its own devolution as its champions retreat from their most sacred covenant with nature herself.

Behold how they scurry, these political creatures, from the very principles they once proclaimed as truth! Like merchants in the marketplace, they trade their convictions for the copper coins of public approval. O what comedy!
The tale unfolds with Chrystia Freeland, that erstwhile guardian of the treasury, now positioning herself to ascend to leadership's throne. Yet observe how she casts aside the carbon tax, that most contentious of environmental measures, like a snake shedding its skin. Through her emissaries, she whispers of new systems and collaborative approaches - the sweet nothings that lull the masses into complacent slumber.
In this land of the sleepers, where citizens drift through their days in fossil-fueled torpor, Mark Carney, that other aspirant to power, dances the same tepid dance. He speaks in riddles of effectiveness and household finances, careful not to wake the dreaming masses from their comfortable stupor.
See how they measure their worth in rebates and percentages! These last men blink and say: "We have invented happiness - and we blink." They have turned the very salvation of their earth into a marketplace haggle!
The masses, those eternal sleepwalkers, shuffle through their daily rituals, counting their carbon rebates while the world burns around them. They seek comfort in the promise of being "made whole" - as if wholeness could be measured in Canadian dollars!
Justin Trudeau, that fading star in the political firmament, still clings to his legacy like a drowning man to driftwood. He speaks of pride in "making life more affordable" - the rallying cry of the last man, who seeks only to make his bed softer and his sleep deeper.
What magnificence might have been possible had they dared to demand more than mere comfort! Instead, they crawl backward from the precipice of greatness, seeking the warm embrace of mediocrity.
The Conservative wolves circle, their teeth bared in performative outrage, yet they too are merchants of comfort, promising an easier path, a softer burden. They call it "punishing" - this attempt to make humanity face its own reflection in the mirror of consequence.
Jonathan Wilkinson stands alone among the sleepers, still speaking of science and targets, like a man shouting into the void. But his voice grows fainter as the chorus of comfort-seekers grows louder.
The provinces, those fractious children of confederation, cry out for pause and relief, their premiers leading the chorus of those who would rather sleep than face the dawn of necessary change. They are the shepherds of the last man, guiding their flocks toward the gentlest pastures.
O Canada, land of the setting sun! Your leaders compete to offer the softest pillows, the sweetest dreams, while the earth herself groans beneath the weight of your slumber!
And so the great wheel turns, and the carbon tax, that modest attempt to shake humanity from its stupor, faces its twilight. Not with the thunder of revolution, but with the quiet whispers of politicians promising an easier way, a softer path, a gentler future.
Let it be written in the annals of time: When faced with the choice between transformation and tranquility, they chose to hit the snooze button once more.